Minutes, 7 June 2018


MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th June 2018 at 7.30 pm in Marston & Hougham  Village Hall.

Present: Cllr P. Cartwright  (in the Chair), Cllrs. S Brown,  R Morley, V. Morrell, J. Hare, Dist Cllr P Wood and Cty Cllr A Maughan

18/19-27: Chairman’s remarks:   Chair welcomed all present.

18/19-28: Apologies – Cllrs Watson and Jones.

18/19-29: Declarations of Pecuniary Interest - there were none.

18/19-30:  Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meetings held on 3rd May   were read, accepted as a true and accurate record, and signed by the Chairman.

18/19-31: Action items from the previous meeting:

[a] Emergency Plan –Awaiting comments from LCC on the joint Plan.

[b] Village sign –ongoing.

[c]  Kerrs Crescent – New bench has been delivered and installation will take place later this month.

[d] Lyn Wesson had produced a report for May.  She has started strimming but it was not known if she had strimmed outside Mr and Mrs Drury’s property – discussion seemed to indicate that this may be the responsibility of LCC Highways when they cut the verges.  Chairman will try and contact Ms Wesson.  Clerk to request a map of the areas that Highways cut.

[e] Lorry log to be left until Cllr Watson is present – July meeting.

[f] Cllr Jones had spoken with John Hartwell who had stated that he felt there are too many health and safety issues involved with this project and would not consider quoting.  Cllr Jones feels this is a “no go” project.  Walkway to amenity area needs tidying up.

[g] A tree survey along Toll Bar Road has been listed for action but as there are only 2 Tree Officers this will not be a speedy outcome.

[h] Cllr Watson and David Morrell have taken responsibility for the SID.

[i] Cllr Morley had decided not to speak to the school about the smoking issue as there are very few people that smoke.  No further action.

18/19-32:  County/District/Police matters: Dist Cllr Wood advised that the new Local Plan has been to full Council and now goes out for consultation.  Marston is a small village and so only infill or brownfield sites will be allowed development.  Local Plan comes into force early 2019.  All Dist Cllrs have £1,000 to spend – Cllr Wood has given £500 towards a new zebra crossing in Long Bennington and is giving money towards the purchase of a radar gun for Long Bennington which will be for use by other Parish Councils as well.

County Cllr Maughan advised that the Leader of LCC has been approached to work with surrounding Counties to operate on a regional basis. Ideas for devolution are being looked at but specifically not with a Mayor. The Minor Injuries Unit at Grantham Hospital is under threat and it is important that everyone replies to the consultation on this matter.  Wednesday 20th June is the County Show and Cllr Maughan will be on the LCC stand from 11-12 am and 2 -3 pm.

The S106 money from Fulbeck Airfield is unlikely to be recovered so there will be nothing towards road repairs.

18/19-33: School Safety Zone and Highways: Cllr Maughan advised that the extension to the school’s zigzag lines will be looked at in a couple of months’ time.  The mirror that has been attached to street furniture in Bridge Street will be moved by Highways when they have a gang in the area.

18/19-34: Planning:

     S17/2155 – Downtown Outlet – pending consideration.  S18/0221 – Trent Autograss – pending consideration.  S18/0728 – Hall Cottage, Bridge Street – pending consideration.        Thorold Arms – no news on the appeal.

18/19-35: Finance:

It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income/expenditure accounts.

18/19-36: Procedural documents: all reviewed and agreed no amendments needed.

18/19-37: Correspondence – all Councillors agreed their information can remain on the website.

18/19-38: Urgent matters for discussion – Cllr Brown asked if the precepted donation to the PCC could be paid and a cheque was drawn and signed at this meeting.  Dog fouling is getting worse in the village and is in more areas – a letter needs to go to every house and the Councillors will deliver.  Clerk to get information from SKDC.

18/19-39: Date of next meeting:19 July at 7.30 pm


Meeting closed at 8.30 pm