Hougham and Marston Local History Group

The Group was formed on 11 February 1997 by a number of villagers attending an LEA course of evening classes on 'Understanding Local History'.  A formal constitution was agreed and this states that "Membership is open to all over the age of 18 years and the aims of the Group shall be:

  • to provide the opportunity for like-minded people to meet on an informal and social basis to share their thoughts and ideas on the subject of local history
  • to research and study the local history of Hougham and Marston. However, interest in the history and development of the area will not be restricted to Hougham and Marston, but will be allowed to cover both county and national subjects
  • to produce a photographic and written account of Hougham and Marston
  • to visit places of interest."

Members meet at Hougham and Marston Village Hall at 7.30 pm on the second Tuesday of each month, excluding December and August.

Full membership - £5 per annum.

Additional monthly meeting fee - £2.  This applies to both our ordinary meetings and if visiting speakers have been invited.  It is also charged to visitors or social members, who are always welcome.  Mid-meeting refreshments are included.

A booklet entitled 'The Little Book of Hougham and Marston' was prepared and published in 2001. Copies are still available on request at £2.50.

See 'Events Calendar' for details of individual meetings.

Chairman: John Crozier
Secretary: Lucille Chesterton, tel: 01400 250598