Minutes, 3 Nov 22


NOTES of the Parish Council meeting held at Hougham and Marston Village Hall on 3rd November 2022  at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllr P. Cartwright  (in the Chair), Cllrs A.Barradell, V. Morell,  K. O’Sullivan, and A. Watson.   Also Dist Cllr P Wood.  There were no members of the public present.

22/23-54: Chairman welcomed all present. 

22/23-55: Apologies – Cllrs S Brown and C Stephens and Cty Cllr A Maughan.

22/23-56: Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – there were none.

22/23-57:  Minutes of the last meeting – the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th September were read and approved, and it was resolved that the Chairman sign them.

22/23-58:  County/District/Police matters:  Cllr Wood said that SKDC had not yet found a buyer for their premises and that the offices above the cinema are being prepared for their move.  The Housing Department are making good progress with the housing stock.  SKDC has saved some money with a reduction in salary costs.

22/23-59: School Safety Zone and Highways – the consultation is still ongoing with regard to the change in the yellow lines in School Lane and Stonepit Lane.  There has been no change to the dropped kerb outside the new development in Main Street.  Flooding is still ongoing in Toll Bar Road, and the corner of Pinfold Lane and Main Street still floods although the water does recede more quickly.  The query with regard to the ownership of the verge outside a property in Pinfold Lane is ongoing but is now a matter between LCC Highways and the property owner.  A works order has been made for  the wooden bridge that is damaged along the footpath between Hougham Church and Stonepit Lane.   Clerk to ask Cllr Maughan what the latest is regarding the snatched land alongside the A1 at the Toll Bar Road junction.

22/23-60: Electricity sub-station: Clerk to ensure that Western Power is aware that they must plant the new hedging around the new sub-station in Kerrs Crescent (PC to maintain thereafter).  Clerk to chase contact at SKDC to ensure their adjacent hedge is cut before we take over maintenance of it.

22/23-61: Planning:       

                 S22/0669 – land at A1/Toll Bar Road junction –storage of mobile homes permitted.

            S22/0780 – new dwelling at Church Walk Cottage – pending consideration.                  

                 S22/1175 – Discharge of Conditions at The Corn Drier – all discharged.

                 S22/1830 – Felling of a tree at Meadow View – pending consideration.

                 S22/1846 – Lightsource application for battery storage – pending consideration.

22/23-62 : Community Cleaner – our mower is capable of doing what we require so no new mower necessary.  Clerk to report to Fix My Street, the beech hedge overgrowing the footpath on School Lane which is impacting the use of the footpath for school children, and the hedge in need of cutting on the east side of Bridge Street.

22/23-63: SID – Cllr Barradell reported that the Archer Survey was carried out between 21st and 31st October and the report is awaited.  He is investigating suitable proposals for SIDs.  We need some replacement 30 mph signs for the posts in the village as many of them are worn – Clerk to be advised as to how many we need from LRSP.  We also need replacement dog fouling Notices from SKDC as they too are faded – clerk to email a request and copy Cllr Wood in.

22/23-64: Amenity Area – Safety ring now in place.  River needs cleaning out.

22/23-65: Best Kept Village Competition – Clerk advised that this is now run by SKDC and all villages get visited.  We should let SKDC know we are interested in participating.

22/23-66: Events of 24.9.22 – 12-15 youths went on a rampage through the village damaging signs and causing problems for the pub.  It is thought they were from a group that was hiring the village hall.  Clerk to ask the VH contact to let us have the date of that Group’s next booking and the Police to be advised and asked to have a visible presence.

22/23-67: Finance:

It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliation at 30.9.22.The precept will be agreed at our January meeting but noted that we should allow £1000 for election costs and a reserve of £1000 towards a new SID.

22/23-68: Urgent matters for discussion – some phones are still not working but most are back on.

22/23-69: Meeting Dates for 2023 - these were circulated.

22/23-70: Date of next meeting:  5th January 2023.

Meeting closed at 8.35 pm.