Minutes, 6 Jan 22
NOTES of the Parish Council meeting held at Hougham and Marston Village Hall on 6th January 2022 at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllr P. Cartwright (in the Chair), Cllrs A.Barradell, V.Morrell, K. O’Sullivan, C. Stephens and A. Watson plus Dist Cllr P Wood and Cty Cllr A Maughan. There were two members of the public present.
21/22-100: Chairman’s remarks: Chair welcomed all present.
The public expressed concerns over the revised planning application S21/1413 (development at The Corn Drier). It was an improvement on the original but roads, services and bins had still not been addressed. They were particularly concerned about (7) windows overlooking their back garden. They would prefer the entire site to be fenced. Dist Cllr Wood said he felt that the changes made would not enable planners to refuse the application.
21/22-101: Apologies – Cllr S. Brown.
21/22-102: Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – there were none.
21/22-103: Minutes of the last meeting – the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th November were read and approved, and it was resolved that the Chairman sign them.
21/22-104: County/District/Police matters:
Cllr A Maughan – LCC budgets have been proposed and they show a spend of £534,000,000. There will be a likely increase of 3% on council tax. The highways fund has been cut by 25% (£12,000,000) but this will be taken from LCC reserves. There is a request that we write to our MP to get that 25% reduction reinstated for next year.
Cllr P Wood – SKDC budgets have also been prepared and it is likely there will be an increase of £5 on a Band D property’s council tax (about 3.5%). They are reviewing the 4 leisure centres, the SKDC building and their housing stock.
21/22-105: School Safety Zone and Highways: Cllrs Maughan and Cartwright are meeting with the head teacher at the school next week – people are complaining about the new yellow lines that have been put in. Once Cllr Maughan has an idea of the general feeling, he will go to highways (this will include a Stonepit Lane resident’s query) .
Ownership of the strip of land at the A1/Toll Bar Road junction is still ongoing but it is not LCC. There is no issue with the materials on site. Fencing issue is ongoing. A1 safety – southbound slip road is still not being pushed by National Highways. All their safety improvements do not include that area. There is still no timescale with regard to closing the gap from the northbound A1 into Toll Bar Road.
21/22-106: Planning: S21/1413 – The Corn Drier – revised scheme received. PC to respond that they would like to see the whole site fenced.
S21/2165 – New dwelling at Dove House, Barkston Road – agreed we must insist that the planning department consult with Anglian Water due to incapacity - the village has more than 10 new properties being built even if not on one site.
21/22-107: Community Cleaner – Nothing to report other than there are hours left for the spring work to be carried out.
21/22-108: Amenity Area – hedge has been cut and cuttings need burning – Cllr Watson to organise a working party. The remaining hedge needs the top cutting to keep at shoulder height. Clerk to write to donor of benches thanking him for his donations. Fingerpost sign will not be replaced. Grass cutting to be deferred to the spring.
21/22-109: Planting Daffodils – all daffodil bulbs now planted – thanks to all concerned.
21/22-110: Queens Platinum Jubilee –a quiz on 29th January 2022 is to be confirmed and the next meeting of the QPJ committee is on 10th January 2022.
21/22-111: Generic e-mails: final councillor will now set up his generic email address for PC business.
21/22-112: Finance:
It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliations at 30.11.21 and 31.12.21.
Increase in village hall hire fees noted.
New SID battery received, installed and paid for – noted.
21/22-113: Correspondence – SKDC notification that we can have sand bags and sand – this was refused as there is nowhere to store sand.
21/22-114: Urgent matters for discussion – dog fouling is still a big issue – agreed an item will be put out on HAMES.
SKDC has a community fund grant – agreed that Cllr Barradell will look at applying for funding for 3 picnic benches for the amenity area.
Litter pick will take place at the end of March but more equipment is required – resolved Cllr Watson can spend up to £50.
There is a new dropped kerb outside the development of 2 houses (opposite the phone box on Main Street). However this doesn’t look compliant – clerk to ask Cllr Maughan to look into it.
21/22-115: Date of next meeting: 3rd March 2022
Meeting closed at 8.38 pm
Resolved to go into closed session to discuss clerk’s hours and pay rate.