Minutes, 19 Nov 20


MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held virtually on Zoom, on 19th November 2020  at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllr P Cartwright (in the Chair), Cllrs. S, Brown, V. Morrell, K. O’Sullivan, C Stephens and A. Watson plus Dist Cllr P Wood and Cty Cllr A Maughan.   There were no public present.

20/21 20: Chairman’s remarks:   Chair welcomed all present.

20/21 -21: Apologies –There were none.

20/21-22. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – there were none.

20/21-23:  Minutes of the last meeting – the Minutes of the meeting held on 17th September   were read and approved, and it was resolved that the Chairman sign them.

20/21-24: Emergency Plan – in respect of the Coronavirus crisis.  There were no updates but it was noted that The Thorold will need to be incorporated into the Plan.

20/21-25:  County/District/Police matters:  Cllr Maughan had sent a newsletter prior to this meeting but went on to say that the staffing issues at Lincoln and Boston Hospitals have now been resolved but that both have over 200 Covid patients.  When the lockdown expires on 2nd December we should stay in Tier 1 but at worst it will be Tier 2.  There is additional monetary support for businesses, available from SKDC.  LCCs budget is on track despite additional Covid costs as these have been offset by the Government.  £830,000 has been awarded to ensure children do not go hungry.

The Highways England (HE) meeting regarding the A1 was not good – there had been no preparation by the Officers and they had no knowledge of what we were asking for.  There is no money for the feasibility studies and they are no further on than they were 2 years ago.  Caroline Johnson MP is now involved and we will be advised when there is any update.

Cllr Wood said that HE had also given conflicting advice to the Planning Department at SKDC.  Business grants re Covid are being done through InvestSK and there is detailed information on their website.  New Chief Executive has got involved in the Planning Department and a report has been done with 29  recommended changes.  Moves have been made in the corporate structure - quite a few have left and some of those will be replaced.  The Housing Department has a stock of some 600 houses and is in a dreadful state;  an internal report that was instigated makes very poor reading.  A task force has been formed to put things right.

20/21-26:  School Safety Zone and Highways:  The TRO for no waiting restrictions on Stonepit Lane has had works issued and is likely to happen in the spring.  The flooding issues are all programmed in for next financial year; it was noted that the interim works that have been done at Pinfold Lane/Main Street have improved things. 

20/21-27: Footpaths:  The Chair had a meeting with Western Power and Highways regarding the footpath on Pinfold Lane and work has to be re-done.  This is expected before Christmas. The missing stile on FP6 will not be replaced.

20/21-28: Planning:

S19/0735 – application for drive through coffee shop at Toll Bar garage A1 -  Highways England – see update at Minute 20/21-25.

S20/1363 – Marston Hall – change of use – pending consideration.

S20/1562 – The Corn Drier – outline application for 4 new houses – pending.

S20/1673- Holly Farmhouse – tree removal – approved.

S20/1774 – Meadow View – tree work – pending consideration.

S20/1781 – Rose Farmhouse – conversion of outbuilding – pending consideration.

SOLAR FARM at Cliff Road - – Chair and Cllr Wood joined the developer’s webinar which didn’t give much more information than what had already been sent in hard copy.  The Planning Department has said there must be consultation with local residents.  The developer has offered £50,000 which will be split between us and Great Gonerby PC but Cllr Wood says we should request a much higher sum.  Our Chair will contact the Chair of Great Gonerby PC with regard to this matter.

20/21-29: Community Cleaner – One bench has been refurbished but others are to be done.  He does not have many hours left of the 104 given for the year.

20/21-30: SID – The battery has still not been delivered.  Clerk and Cllr Stephens to chase.

20/21-31: Bonfires – enforcement for breaking nuisance laws regarding bonfires lies with Environmental Health at SKDC.  A note to be put on HAMES with this information and the contact number to call.

20/21-32: Amenity Area – hedge laying may take place in the new year (2021) but otherwise will be in 2022.  No update on nature trail as yet – Covid prevents visiting school.

20/21-33: Dog mess – this is an ongoing problem.  Environmental Health at SKDC can prosecute people who do not pick up after their dog, so long as there is evidence (photographic usually).  Resolved that the dog poo bag dispenser should be removed as it is no longer used.

20/21-34: Poppies – these can be re-used on the proviso that a donation is made to British Legion.  Cllr Stephens will request the poppies from Rob Morley and we can then use them next year.  Resolved that we make a donation of £100 to British Legion this year anyway.

20/21-35: Finance:

It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliations at 30.9.20 and 31.10.20.

A letter of thanks for the donation made had been received from the PCC

20/21-36: Meeting dates 2021 – a schedule of dates had been circulated but a few will change.  Clerk will update when finally agreed with Village Hall Bookings Clerk.

20/21-37: Correspondence – there is none.

20/21-38: Urgent matters for discussion – Councillors to give consideration to possible sites for one or two new benches for the village.  The old website has been re-routed to the new website but the new one is not yet on any search engine; this should be sorted out in late December 2020.

20/21-39: Date of next meeting: 7th January 2021 at 7.30 pm.


Meeting closed at 8.47 pm