Minutes, 1 February 2018


MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st February 2018 at 7.30 pm in Marston & Hougham  Village Hall.

Present: Cllr P Cartwright (Chairman), Cllrs, R Morley, S Brown, V. Morrell, and T. Jones,

and Dist Cllr Paul Wood

17/18-85: Chairman’s remarks/public forum:  there were no members of the public present.  Chair welcomed all present.

17/18-86: Apologies – Cllrs Hare and Watson and Cty Cllr Maughan.

17/18-87: Declarations of Pecuniary Interest - there were none.

17/18-88:  Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meeting held on 4th January 2018 were read, accepted as a true and accurate record, and signed by the Chairman.

17/18-89: Action items from the previous meeting:

[a] Emergency Plan –Cllrs Cartwright, Hare and Watson had had a meeting on 15.1.18 and, as a result, some alterations have been made to the Plan.  Two nominees from Hougham are to join.

[b] Village sign – no deposit is required.  The cost for a two-sided sign with same image on each side is £4,350.  Resolved unanimously that Clerk will place an order

[c]  Kerrs Crescent – This matter will be held over to the March meeting as Cllr Watson is away on holiday.

[d] Lyn Wesson had produced a report for January.  Dog fouling is still an issue.

[e] The overhanging hedge in Bridge Street has been cut back. There are no other overgrowing hedges that are an issue at present.    

[f] Cllr Morrell offered further dates when lorries were seen turning around in the village – Clerk will add these to the lorry log.

[g] Cllr Maughan has requested information on putting steps down to the canal and will report back when he has an answer.

[h] The dog fouling signage has been put up outside Cllr Morrell’s property but there is still a lot of dog fouling in the vicinity.

17/18-90:  County/District/Police matters: Cllr Maughan had sent a written report which the Clerk circulated to all present.  Cllr Wood reminded us that there is a meeting with the Police Commissioner on 21.2.18 at Claypole.  SKDC is likely to increase the Council Tax by £5 per annum per household but this will not be finalised until their meeting on 1st March.  They have a Revenue budget of £17,000,000 and a Capital Budget of £12,000.000.; the latter is being used for the new cinema complex.  They are likely to spend some of their reserves on the Big Clean, and investments.  There is a debate on car parking charges and all present said that their view is that they should not be increased, and ideally decreased.

17/18-91: School Safety Zone and Highways: no further updates.  Cllr Maughan is still pushing for us.

17/18-92:  Planning :

S17/2155 – Downtown Outlet – pending but Cllr Wood thinks it is likely to go ahead based on the fact that the Spitalgate one was approved; S17/2252 – Land east of Toll Bar Road – agricultural building – approved.

Harlaxton Engineering expects to construct the inner boundary wall later this year.


17/18-93: Finance:It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income and expenditure account. Bank balance is £11,221.75.

17/18-94: Correspondence – Cllr Maughan’s report showed that he has requested a tree survey be carried out by Highways, on Toll Bar Road.

17/18-95: Urgent matters for discussion – Clerk to enquire of Anglian Water as to the reason for the blue pipe sticking up out of the ground on Toll Bar Road, and ask if it can be removed?

17/18-96: Date of next meeting: 1st March 2018.



Meeting closed at 8.23 pm