Minutes, 19 July 2018


MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on 19th July 2018 at 7.30 pm in Marston & Hougham  Village Hall.

Present: Cllr P. Cartwright  (in the Chair), Cllrs. S Brown,  V. Morrell, J. Hare, T Jones and A Watson, Dist Cllr P Wood and Cty Cllr A Maughan

18/19-40: Chairman’s remarks:   Chair welcomed all present.

18/19-41: Apologies – Cllr Morley.

18/19-42: Declarations of Pecuniary Interest - there were none.

18/19-43:  Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meeting held on 7th June   were read, accepted as a true and accurate record, and signed by the Chairman.

18/19-44: Action items from the previous meeting:

[a] Emergency Plan –Awaiting comments from LCC on the joint Plan; needs information on the GDPR putting in.  A price is needed for the contents of the storage box and a list of the village stewards is required.

[b] Village sign –ongoing.

[c]  Kerrs Crescent – The old bench has been removed and the new one installed.

[d] There was no report from the community cleaner but the Chair had been in touch with her.

[e] Lorry log – there has been no movement since May.  Agreed to see if movements increase in the winter months and also agreed to put a note in HAMES that the log is still ongoing.

[f] A tree survey along Toll Bar Road has been listed for action but as there are only 2 Tree Officers – still ongoing.

[g] Dog fouling has greatly improved since distribution of the letter to all homes in the village.  There has been positive feedback from villagers regarding the letter.

18/19-45:  County/District/Police matters:

County Cllr Maughan advised that there is a new Chief Executive (Mr Ireland).  Consideration is being given to devolution with Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire – extra funding for better transport links is being looked at.  Care to look after children has been extended to age  25.  LCC underspent its budget by 2% (£18,000,000) last year and this is going back into financial reserves.  There will be no decision on Grantham Hospital A & E till 2019 – it will have been closed 2.5 years by then.  HR and payroll to be moved from SERCO.  40,000 potholes will be repaired this year, by first time fix.  There are 300,000 miles of carriageways to re-surface.  The Fairer Funding campaign is definitely needed.

Dist Cllr Paul Wood reported that SKInvest has been set up to promote economic development in the area and SK will invest £800,000 p.a.  Chief Exec and Council Leader are Directors but don’t receive remuneration.  Cllr Wood has requested a review of SK’s redundancy policy.

18/19-46: School Safety Zone and Highways: Cllr Maughan advised that the extension to the school’s zigzag lines is ongoing.  The mirror that has been attached to street furniture in Bridge Street will be moved by Highways and this has been chased.  Highways have clarified which verges they will cut.

18/19-47: Planning:

     S17/2155 – Downtown Outlet – pending consideration – the committee meeting is on 21st August. . 

     S18/0221 – Trent Autograss – pending consideration but will go to committee.

     S18/0728 – Hall Cottage, Bridge Street – approved.      

18/19-48: Thorold Arms – appeal dismissed.  The Thorold Arms Benevolent Society has successfully raised the £210,000 required to buy the pub, a magnificent achievement.  It is hoped to complete the purchase by end of July with a view to opening the refurbished Thorold Arms on 14 December.

18/19-49: Amenity Area – it was agreed that no steps were possible but the area does need tidying up – Mr Renshaw has been asked to cut it but grass-cuttings need taking away – Chair will ask him to do this.  After this has been done, the PC will go and see what can be done to enhance the area for use by villagers.

18/19-50: Finance:

It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income/expenditure accounts as at 31.5.18.

18/19-51: Correspondence – There was none.

18/19-52: Urgent matters for discussion – Agreed that Cllrs Brown, Cartwright and Watson will prepare information on the restoration of the amenity area with a view to applying to ReVolt for funding.  Cllr Brown will discuss with the Playing Field Committee whether refurbishment of the children’s play area might also be suitable.  Agenda September meeting.

18/19-53: Date of next meeting:6 September at 7.30 pm


Meeting closed at 8.47 pm