Minutes, 15 Jul 21

NOTES of the Parish Council meeting held at Hougham and Marston Village Hall on 15th July 2021  at 7.30 pm 
Present: Cllr P Cartwright (in the Chair), Cllrs. A. Barradell,  V. Morrell, C. Stephens and Cty Cllr A Maughan.  There were no members of the public present.  
21/22-48: Chairman’s remarks:   Chair welcomed all present.
21/22-49: Apologies –Dist. Cllr Wood, Cllrs K O’Sullivan and A. Watson.
21/22-50: Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – there were none.
21/22-51:  Minutes of the last meeting – the Minutes of the meeting held on 17th June were read and approved, and it was resolved that the Chairman sign them.
21/22-52:  County/District/Police matters:  Cllr Maughan advised that the County Council Executive has agreed to invest £10,000,000 into highways maintenance; this is in addition to the £12,000,000 already being put in by the County Council, making a total of £61,000,000.  The additional £10,000,000 is for use on B roads and minor roads and is not for potholes.  Highways West has been at fault in ordering temporary pothole repairs – 90% are meant to be permanent repairs and they are only achieving 65%.  We should see a change over the next few months.  Toll Bar Road enforcement – the mud mound has been moved and the fence will be moved.  Works in School Lane will be done in due course.  Street nameplate at Stonepit Lane is now in place.
21/22-53:  School Safety Zone and Highways:  See previous Minute.
21/22-54: Planning: 
S20/1363 – Marston Hall – change of use – granted.
S20/0772 – The Thorold – extensions and other changes – pending consideration.
S21/0922 – The Farmhouse, Pinfold Lane – extensions and annexe –approved.
S21/1018 – Solar Farm at Gonerby Moor – Cllr Wood is working with Cllr Stokes to approach Lightsource with a view to increasing the community benefit.  A Journal reporter spoke to the Chair regarding the possibility of the A1 cross over closure.
S21/1224 – Mill Farm House – replacement garage and moving access – pending consideration.
21/22-55: Community Cleaner – his June report has been circulated.
21/22-56: Amenity Area – Cllr Stephens has not had any feedback from the school.  The Area is looking good but grass needs cutting – Chair will talk to Cllr Brown. It was agreed two picnic benches would be a good idea – Cllr Stephens to get prices.  Finger post signs have been taken down.  Agreed we should advertise Riverside Walk on the website.  Clerk to order a second-hand bin from SKDC and have delivered to Cllr Stephens.
21/22-57: Planting Daffodils – Chair provided various prices and it was resolved to purchase 4 bags of 220 larger bulbs, totalling £200.  This should be done in September.
21/22-58: New benches – the bench for Barkston Road has been delivered.  The base will be put down during the school holidays, on 28th July.  Thanks to Harlaxton Engineering for agreeing to do this for us.  The plaque owner of the bench in front of the Church has been found.  A Glasdon wooden bench is £1,063.  - this is expensive so other avenues to be explored and further costings to be obtained.  Resolved to pay Glasdon for the new bench for Barkston Road - £500 cheque for donation towards the cost has been delivered to  Cllr Watson (currently on holiday).
21/22-59: Queens Platinum Jubilee – Agreed to write to all local business and organisations, including Hougham, to get a QPJ group together to make plans for the celebrations.  Clerk to check availability of Village Hall in mid-September, for first meeting.
21/22-60: Frequency of meetings: after discussion it was agreed to have meetings on the first Thursday of the month, every two months.  Our meetings on 2nd September and 4th November will go ahead and October and December meetings will be cancelled.   The May meeting will be on the third Thursday of the month.  Clerks salary will be looked at in January for the precept.
21/22-61: Finance:  
It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliation at 30.6.21.  
21/22-62:  Correspondence – there is none.
21/22-63:  Urgent matters for discussion – the missing fingerpost signs should be found if possible, and reinstated. 
21/22-64:  Date of next meeting:   2nd September 2021.
Meeting closed at 8.20 pm