Minutes, 4 Feb 21


NOTES of the Parish Council meeting held virtually on Zoom, on 4th February 2021  at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllr P Cartwright (in the Chair), Cllrs. A. Barradell, S. Brown, V. Morrell, K. O’Sullivan, and

          A.Watson, Dist Cllr P Wood, and  Cty Cllr A Maughan.   There were no public present.

20/21-58: Chairman’s remarks:   Chair welcomed all present and introduced A. Barradell.

20/21-59: It was resolved unanimously to co-opt  Andy Barradell who had already completed his DPI form and Acceptance of Office form.  Clerk witnessed the latter whilst the meeting was in progress. 

20/21-60: Apologies –Cllr C Stephens.

20/21-61: Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – there were none.

20/21-62:  Minutes of the last meeting – the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th January 2021 were read and approved, and it was resolved that the Chairman sign them.

20/21-63: Emergency Plan – fliers, requesting volunteers, had been delivered and 20+ volunteers had come forward.  The Plan is being updated with their information.  Mr Morley had resigned and a new person is required for the Plan Committee.

20/21-64:  County/District/Police matters:  Cllr Maughan said that 90% of the over 80’s have been vaccinated against Covid; there are two sites, one at Boston and the other at Lincs Showground.  If people require travel assistance to attend for their vaccination they should call 0345 456 4474.  There is a new LCC initiative for business grants totalling £12,000,000 with up to £10,000 per business and this goes live on 23.2.21.  The business has to have less than 50 employees and may include village shops and other businesses. The Council is on track to balance this year’s budget.   Next year they will spend £500,000,000 on services and Council Tax is likely to increase by 1.99%.  Local elections will take place on 6th May.

Cllr Wood said that there will be  a full Council meeting on 1st March where they will set their budgets for 2021/2022.  It is likely that Council Tax will go up by £5 as in the past = 3%.  A corporate review is underway and a new Deputy Chief Executive has been appointed, together with a director of housing and a director of culture and growth.  There are savings of £300,000 on the salary budget.  Street lights are generally the responsibility of LCC Highways but some remain the responsibility of the District Council – we have a list of those for Marston but we should get one for Hougham. 

20/21-65:  School Safety Zone and Highways:  There were no updates regarding Stonepit Lane flooding or Main Street/Pinfold Lane flooding.  However discussion took place regarding these issues and also flooding in Toll Bar Road.  It was felt that the gulleys are an issue and it was suggested that Cllr Maughan arranges a visit with Rowan Smith.  Cllr Barradell will obtain Anglian Water’s records for the village.  Cllr Morrell felt that Flood Warning signs for the verges would be useful and she will contact the Floodline; however as the roads are passable we may not be able to get these signs.

20/21-66: Planning:

S20/1363 – Marston Hall – change of use – pending consideration.

S20/1562 – The Corn Drier – outline application for 4 new houses –approved.

                             SOLAR FARM at Cliff Road - no update from Lightsource Ltd yet.                  

S21/0165 – change of use from agricultural to new access, at The Pinfold.    A lot of discussion took place regarding this application and the possibility for building houses on the paddock if a new hard access was created.  The track off Toll Bar Road is owned by the owner of The Corn Drier and use of it must therefore be by consent of a right of way by the owner.  Cllr Wood is taking advice from the Planning Officer on this application and in particular with regard to the relevance of curtilage.  Response by us is not required until 14th February.

20/21-67: Community Cleaner – Has not worked any hours in December or January due to inclement weather.

20/21-68: Litter pick – after some discussion it was resolved to order 20 kits of Hi viz vests and grabbers at a cost of £100 or thereabouts.  Cllr Watson will arrange this.

20/21-69: Amenity Area – no update on hedge-laying.  No update on nature trail .

20/21-70: New benches – a parishioner has offered to pay up to £500 for each of two benches in the village.  One will go on the verge on Barkston Road/School Lane and the other in the amenity area.  Agreed that one Phoenix 3-seater should be purchased for the amenity area and one Lowther 3-seater for the verge at Barkston Road.  Cllr Watson will agree this with the parishioner and then we must apply to LCC Highways for a licence to put said bench on its verge.  This bench not to be purchased until such licence is in place.  We can go ahead with the one for the amenity area.

20/21-71: Dog mess – fliers had been hand delivered to each property.

20/21-72: Finance:

It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliation at 31.1.21.

20/21-73: Correspondence – there is none.

20/21-74: Urgent matters for discussion – Cllr Watson advised that Mr G Cannon was investigating the possibility of bringing ultrafast fibre optic Broadband to the village in the near future, but this would require formal support from a large number of individual householders.  A HAMES message had been sent out requesting this support.

20/21-75: Date of next meeting: 4th March 2021 at 7.30 pm.


Meeting closed at 8.55 pm